Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thoughts on Pagan Christianity

I've been reading Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and George Barna. I have to tell you, I'm not too sure about this book. Granted, I'm only 3 chapters in, but if there premise is 100% on the mark I may as well stop going to church.

But first, a gripe. Is it evenly humanly possible to make the footnotes any smaller? I'm not as young as I used to be and I don't even try to read them. It's a shame because with the amount of footnoting that went on here it would be neat to follow the research trail.

Is church the way we do it wrong? Have we simply incorporated non-Christian (pagan) culture into our buildings and our worship services? Viola likes to use the term "organic" church. What precisely does that mean, and will I find out later in the book?

If there's one thing I've learned, there are a lot of very different and very valid forms of worship. This past weekend we were at Acquire the Fire in GR. I love ATF because it's one of the few times I have the freedom to dance in worship. It's not a pretty picture, but it's joyous freedom. Why can't I do this on a Sunday morning?

I'll continue in the book, but I am reading with reservation. I think that's fair. Just because the book makes definitive statements about the pagan origins of church doesn't mean they are right. The authors are, after all, not inspired, just good researchers. And I'll continue to worship on Sunday morning, not as a spectator, but as someone who stands in awe of being part of this communion of the saints.

Or have I been wrong all these years?

I'll keep you posted.

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