Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who Will Love a Little Sparrow

I have sparrows living in my window. Actually, they live around my air conditioner. They've lived there for a number of years now. Due to their presence and what many perceive as my soft heart, the air conditioner stays in the window, even during the cold Michigan winter months. I just can't kick them out.

I've tried a few times but after the last attempt I can't do it. I had shaken the air conditioner to chase them all away, then lifted the upper half of the window. As I began to pull the machine into the house one of the sparrows landed on the top and stared me down. I don't know if he thought he could hold it in place or whether it was an act of intimidation, but he did not move until I finally pulled the thing inside.

Now I just leave them there. Sometimes we sing together. I noticed one day that when I sang in the bedroom the sparrows would sing back. I went to the window and began to sing and two of them popped up to the top of the air conditioner and sang back, twisting their tiny heads to see the giant bird on the other side. I am not making this up; my wife has witnessed this very thing!

When I am working in the yard the sparrows will sit on the wire and watch me. I firmly believe that I am their human, and that they like to show me off to their friends and relatives. Often they will sit in the bushes just a few feet away from me when I am sitting in our shady front yard reading.

It's an odd bond, this connection between me and the sparrows. Yet the Father cares about each and every one of them. How much more He must care about me.

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