Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here I Am to Worship

Woke up excited and ready for church. It was 6:00 a.m. and since we go to the 11:00 a.m. service I had to fill in some time. I spent a little time reading a book, surfing the net, and catching up on the local news.

As the morning progressed I got more and more excited. I read the passage for that Sunday in Luke and watched worship videos to prime my spiritual pump (He's going to

Finally we were ready to go. Man, was I ready to go. And I was not disappointed. The worship was beautiful, the music heart-strirring, the message soul-moving.

What a joy to look forward to church, to wait on it, to eagerly expect it's arrival. It has been a long time since I had that kind of expectation of worship. Seems like all I've had in the past was the job of trying to produce that type of worship. Now I simply show up each Sunday and leave the worship producing to many, many gifted people and God.

Maybe that eager expectation for church is just a sliver of the eager expectation we should feel as we wait on the new creation.

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