Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I stand in church, the music is powerful, my arms are lifting up and my body is swaying and I want to (can I say it) dance! But there's two problems here.

First, I am rythmless. That's right, this guy who can sight-read almost anything and who sings all the time can't keep rythm. When I sang in church they would hand out instruments to everyone, handbells and triangles and tambourines. Everyone in the group got one except me, for I have no rythm. This is not a guess, this is born of years of factual evidence, beginning back in the disco era. Sure, I looked good in a tan leisure suit, but I couldn't dance a lick. I can't dance I can't dance I can't dance...

Second, I was raised in a church that didn't let you dance, and definitely absolutely never in a church service. Do you know why? Because dancing leads to sex! Everyone knows that all the slutty girls started off on the dance floor. Just look at those moves, tell me that isn't simulating something! No dancing, little hand lifting, and occasional clap. Mainly organ music anyways; tough to dance to the way it was played.

And yet I want to dance in church. I want to spin and twirl, I want to lift up my hands and give up my inhibitions and just dance before Him. I want to strip myself of all the delusions of grandeur and in pure joy dance before the Lord, just like David did, just like the greatest king ever.

I'm so close. One of these Sunday mornings...I can dance.

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